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contoh kalimat joe louis

"joe louis" terjemahan bahasa Indonesia  "joe louis" terjemahan bahasa Inggris  
  • You plan on being a champ like Joe Louis?
    Kau berencana menjadi juara seperti Joe Louis?
  • Rocky Marciano, Sugar Ray Robinson, Joe Louis.
    Rocky Marciano, Sugar Ray Robinson, Joe Louis.
  • Asthegreatfighter Joe Louis used to say,
    Sebagai seorang pejuang Joe Louis pernah mengatakan,
  • These boxing gloves were worn by Joe Louis in his first fight.
    Ini sarung tinju yang dipakai Joe Lewis Di pertarungan pertamanya.
  • It was at his request to work his final game at Joe Louis Arena.
    Klub ini memainkan pertandingan kandangnya di Joe Louis Arena.
  • Not like Joe Louis.
    Bukan seperti Joe Louis.
  • He beat Joe Louis.
    Dia mengalahkan Joe Louis.
  • You should not have brought him here... joe louis clark is not going anywhere.
    Tak seharusnya anda bawa dia kemari... Joe Louis Clark tak kan kemana-mana.
  • It took place on May 23, 2010 at the Joe Louis Arena in Detroit, Michigan.
    Acara ini diadakan pada tanggal 23 Mei, 2010 di Joe Louis Arena, di kota Detroit, Michigan.
  • Now, you're regarded... as one of the greatest offensive fighters... in the history of the sport... an attacker like Dempsey, Joe Louis
    Kau dianggap sebagai... salah satu petarung ofensif terbaik... dalam sejarah olahraga ini, seorang petinju agresif seperti Dempsey, Joe Louis,
  • Joe is ahead as we go into round four of this 15-round bout between Joe Louis, the Brown Bomber, ad ex-heavyweight champion Max Schmeling
    Joe memimpin di babak ke empat. Ini pertarungan 15 ronde Antara Joe Louis, Brown Bomber, Juara kelas berat Max Schmeling